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Creator: Isaiah Armour

Ref. Pat

Hometown: Denver, CO

Twitter: None

Career Highlights:

  1. Was attacked several times during his job of refereeing

  2. Signed and currently signing referees to work for him


Awards:  None

Factions: Ref. Dynasty


     Patrick, also known as Ref. Pat, grew up a hard life being picked on all the time due to a skin condition. Pat is originally an African American but appears Caucasian due to his skin condition. He is secretly with friends BWO members and secretly allied with the Insane Inmates as a way to keep him protected from the constant ref bullying that goes on in Terrordome Shows and Fiya Shows. With Terrordome GM getting rid of BWO and still finding ways to rid of the Insane Inmates Ref. Pat seeks to start his own faction of referees to fight back and defend him from the juvenile behavior against referees.


Current Contract: 1 Season (Terrordome)

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