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Creator: Nydia M.

Ms. ToughLove

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY

Twitter: @Miss_Toughlove

Career Highlights:

  1. Established the Destiny Dungeon for female wrestlers.

  2. Purge the Insane Inmates to obtain her first custom made XXP Purge Championship.


Awards:  None

Factions: Team ToughLove


     Ms.ToughLove received her teaching degree in only 2 years. Many people did not take her seriously for her age but she did not give up on what she always wanted to do. During her teaching career her students believed her name was too long, so they called her Ms.T. She was definitely a tough, ambitious, hard working teacher. She always had to make up for her age. Many of her students did what she asked to do, because of fear she put into them. She decided to use her fear for another purpose. So she becomes a wrestler and teacher of the gym entitled The Destiny Dungeon. Still formally known as Ms.T. She does tag team matches. Her team includes students of hers the graduated from the Destiny Dungeon.


Current Contract: 1 Season (Terrordome)

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