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Angus Adams

Hometown: Seattle, Washington


Career Highlights:

  1. 1x Powercore Champion

  2. Runner-up in the POWERumble at 15mins of Fame I

  3. Former Blizzard contract holder

  4. Competed in first ever POWER Championship match at Discharged II

  5. Main-evented Global Meltdown II


Awards:  None

Factions: Tag Team "Sunday School"


Angus has been a wrestling fan since he was little. His dream was to be like one of the greats. His mother always said he was special and would always be something special. His father left them when Angus was young, He didn't want the responsibility of raising a mentally challenged child. Lil angus never really knew the love of a father. He went through many years longing to know who his father was.  He decided that he would not give up on his dream to be a pro wrestler. This dream was the very thing that motivated him through out his life. Although the kids at school teased him for his condition, his resolve was strong and unwavering.  Even though the odds were stacked against him, Angus refused to give in. He was no stranger at being the underdog. He learned how to shake off the hatred and criticism and grew stronger.

   Hall of Famer, Dave 'Thunder' Franco took interest in the boy; taking it upon himself to train Angus. For years, he taught angus the fundamentals of wrestling and that it takes heart just as much as it takes skill. Mr Franco tried to teach these lessons to Jae, his son; but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. The more Jae pushed away his father's advise; the more His father invested his time into young Angus; honing his skills. 

  Then it finally happened. POWER Wrestling had seen some of his tryout matches and thought it would be a feel good story to give Angus a shot at the main stage. The moment of truth was here. Angus can now prove to the world.....and most of all, his critics; that he isn't just some helpless special needs kid. He was really special....and it was HIS time to shine



Current Contract: Terrordome

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